Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Migration

The migration may seem chaotic, but there is order.  For instance, the zebras lead the migration, not because they are fastest, but because they eat the top part of the grass only.  That prepares the grassland for the wildebeest because they graze the lower part of the grass.  A perfect and efficient design.

Being in the middle of the melee was noisy, smelly and amazing.  Zebras are thirsty animals.  They also know that crocodiles are waiting for them in the river.  They run in, grab a drink, then run like crazy to get out of there.  They were plentiful on the Serengeti but we never tired of looking at them as they are beautiful to watch and always seemed to be doing something interesting.

The babies are brown, except when they are covered in mud!


  1. You should upload your iphone video, Karen!

  2. I tried to Andi -- but couldn't get it to load for some reason -- I'll try again one of these days.
