Monday, March 18, 2013

The Invitation

From the beginning of our planning process, we had been going to stay in Makuyuni Village in relative luxury.  Private room with bathroom, running water, indoor plumbing -- all the conveniences we take for granted in our daily lives.  I thought this looked pretty comfortable, considering that we were in a relatively small village in a rural part of Tanzania.

Then, a week or two ago, we got an invitation via Cathy, the director of the Maasai Conservation Fund, and the angel that is planning our whole experience.  Cathy says:

"The villagers of Makuyuni Maasai village are anxious to invite all the volunteers to stay at their boma (homestead) rather than the volunteer accommodations that have been arranged. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to experience life in a traditional Maasai boma where you can take part in such activities as milking cattle, Maasai games, story telling around a campfire, visiting Maasai wells, walking with warriors to learn about local plants and animals, how to identify various animal tracks, traditional Maasai dancing and singing, beading with the women, fire starting etc."

All I can say is WOW!  What a great opportunity.  Then the doubts came flooding in:  How will I bathe, wash my hair, keep my clothes clean, go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and on, and on ad nauseum!!  And this got me thinking about how, in our comfortable world, we take the basic needs of life for granted.  They are just there for us, without us having to participate much -- except maybe to pay the bills.

And how kind of the Maasai people there, Clamian and Cathy to go to so much extra work to ensure our health and comfort.  We will each have our own tent, private chemical toilets, water daily and even someone to prepare special meals for us.  Such high maintenance, but still they invite us, still they want us to share their lives with them for a couple of days.  What generosity on their part!  And on my part, I am so grateful that they have extended this invitation that will open my eyes and my heart to a new view of the world.

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